Sean Hale Consulting is now Nonprofit CFOs!

And we still believe that ….

“Behind every successful nonprofit you’ll find a strong back office.”

Smiling photo of Sean Hale

Solid financial management makes the difference between a nonprofit that thrives and one that flounders.

Do you want your financial and administrative systems to run smoothly so the rest of the organization can focus on the mission? Let’s talk!


An intelligent Latina CFO with a calculator.  Image by Ideogram.

Fractional CFO + Interim Financial Management

Let’s get your financial systems running smoothly and the reports you need to make strategic decisions.


Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreements (NICRA)

So that the government will reimburse you for the full cost of their grant projects.

A friendly male training an engaged group of professionals.  Image by Ideogram.

Training & Public Speaking

From individuals to conferences, let us help build your capacity.

an exhausted auditor

Audit Support

Handling an audit can take an exhaused finance team into burnout territory. We can lend a hand.

After just one session, you’ll feel more in control of your back office so you can focus on your nonprofit’s mission.