Budget Wildcards: Managing Pandemic Uncertainty
VIDEO: Presentation at Texas A&M with my favorite tips for budgeting during challenging times.
Nonprofit Budgeting with Wild Cards
How can a nonprofit build a budget amid so much uncertainty? These tips will help you navigate this year’s budgeting challenges successfully.
Nonprofit administrators are like action movie heroes!
PODCAST. Heroic administrators, strategically navigating the pandemic and emerging stronger, and general back office tips.
Beyond Belt-Tightening: the Right Tool for the Job
Successful nonprofits will make strategic cuts because across-the-board cuts weaken the healthiest parts of their organization. They will also make strategic investments because a failure to prepare for the future translates into having no future.
Beyond Belt-Tightening: Mission and Values
Yes - Mission and values can help you save money!
Beyond Belt-Tightening: Inertia into Action
Ready to save money without uncomfortable belt-tightening?