Budget Wildcards: Managing Pandemic Uncertainty
VIDEO: Presentation at Texas A&M with my favorite tips for budgeting during challenging times.
Nonprofit Budgeting: The Matrix Map
VIDEO: Do you have to make difficult budget decisions this year? The matrix map can make it quicker and easier!
Nonprofit Budgeting with Wild Cards
How can a nonprofit build a budget amid so much uncertainty? These tips will help you navigate this year’s budgeting challenges successfully.
Beyond Belt-Tightening: the Right Tool for the Job
Successful nonprofits will make strategic cuts because across-the-board cuts weaken the healthiest parts of their organization. They will also make strategic investments because a failure to prepare for the future translates into having no future.
Beyond Belt-Tightening: Mission and Values
Yes - Mission and values can help you save money!
Beyond Belt-Tightening: Inertia into Action
Ready to save money without uncomfortable belt-tightening?